Salim Mvurya Under Scrutiny by MPs Over Performance and Communication Issues

By : Ewan Taljaard Date : August 4, 2024

Salim Mvurya Under Scrutiny by MPs Over Performance and Communication Issues

Salim Mvurya Under Scrutiny by MPs Over Performance and Communication Issues

Salim Mvurya, the nominee for the position of Trade, Industry, and Investment Cabinet Secretary, encountered severe criticism during a vetting session by the National Assembly Vetting Committee. Members of parliament expressed concerns over his perceived detachment from on-ground realities and inadequate communication of his ministerial achievements. This scrutiny comes at a pivotal time when the government is looking to bolster its trade and investment sectors amid economic challenges.

Pokot South MP David Pkosing led the charge, highlighting that many Kenyans still recognize Mvurya primarily as the former governor of Kwale County, rather than in his current ministerial role. Pkosing argued that this misperception is a clear sign of Mvurya's lack of effective communication regarding his work and accomplishments. Furthermore, Pkosing accused Mvurya of being a 'desk minister,' implying that he lacks a tangible connection to the areas most affected by his policies.

The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Gladys Shollei, also voiced her frustrations. Shollei pointed out that despite Mvurya's notable achievements in his previous position as Cabinet Secretary for Mining and the Blue Economy, these accomplishments are not widely known among the Kenyan public. She stressed the importance of visibility and communication in a ministerial role, especially in a sector as crucial as trade and industry.

Defending His Tenure

In response to these allegations, Mvurya defended his tenure passionately. He stated that he has been actively involved in various parts of the country, including the North Rift region and Nyanza. Mvurya elaborated on his visits and engagements with local communities to emphasize that his approach has been far from desk-bound. He illustrated his efforts by citing a series of field visits intended to monitor and drive development projects.

Additionally, Mvurya brought attention to several reforms he initiated in the mining sector, which he claims will result in a substantial Sh21 billion in benefits for the country. He argued that these reforms are a testament to his proactive approach and meaningful contributions to the cabinet. Despite these defensive remarks, the accusations of poor communication continued to loom over the conversation.

Financial Integrity and Economic Policies

Beyond questions of engagement and communication, Mvurya also faced inquiries regarding his financial integrity during his decade-long tenure as Governor of Kwale County. MPs questioned how well he handled financial allocations and whether there were any instances of misappropriation of funds. Mvurya asserted with confidence that no investigative authority has ever questioned him over such issues, reinforcing his stance on maintaining a clean financial record.

The topic of attracting multinational companies back to Kenya also surfaced during the session. MPs pointed out that several multinationals had exited the country due to unfavorable economic policies. When asked how he plans to address this issue, Mvurya pledged to collaborate closely with parliament to create an inviting environment for direct foreign investment. He stressed the imperative need for revamped economic policies and collaboration to lure back these enterprises and stimulate the Kenyan economy.

The Way Forward

The vetting session brought to light many critical issues, ranging from Mvurya's past performance to his prospective plans for steering the trade and industry sectors. As the parliamentary vetting committee continues to deliberate on his fitness for the role, it remains to be seen whether Mvurya's assurances will suffice to relieve the concerns of the MPs. Should he be given the nod, it will be imperative for him to enhance his communication strategies to ensure that his achievements are adequately recognized by the public.

Kenya stands at a crossroads regarding trade and investment. The performance of its ministers plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and policy outcomes. Transparency, engagement, and clear communication are all essential attributes for a minister aiming to drive growth and development in the country. Mvurya's experience and history suggest that he has the potential to contribute significantly to these sectors, but his success will hinge on addressing the concerns raised during this vetting process.


In conclusion, Salim Mvurya's vetting session was both revealing and pressing. It was a clear indication of the high standards and scrutiny underpinning the selection process for key governmental roles in Kenya. The MPs' concerns revolving around communication effectiveness, on-ground presence, financial integrity, and economic policy form pivotal criteria that Mvurya will need to meet if he is to succeed in his new role. As Mvurya endeavors to secure this cabinet position, the session serves as a reminder of the importance of a transparent and interactive approach to governance.

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